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caregiving series

Join BJ Miller, Mettle Health founder, palliative care and hospice physician and author, for an informal and interactive conversation on caregiving and what it entails to be a caregiver. This is part of an ongoing series of discussions for caregivers.

Caregiving encompasses everything, from the emotional to the practical to the medical, the list is endless. We’ll discuss the basics of good caregiving, review the six “activities of daily living,” how to share the care load, what to expect over time, how to be a good advocate and coping mechanisms. Caregiving works best when the work is shared, and these discussions are no different. We encourage attendees to bring their questions and experiences on the topic.

All online discussions begins with a basic overview before opening up to the group for Q&A and conversation. This session should feel as supportive as it does educational, so bring your questions and comments, or feel free to just listen. Together, we’ll explore real life examples and address your questions.

Discussions are held online and once registered, you will receive a link via email to join on video or by phone.

If you can't make it to the live session you will receive a recording.

Dr. BJ Miller is a longtime hospice and palliative medicine physician and educator. He’s been on faculty at his alma mater, UCSF, since 2007 and has worked in all settings of care: hospital, clinic, residential facility, and home. Led by his own experiences as a patient, BJ advocates for the roles of our senses, community and presence in designing a better ending. He speaks nationally, and internationally, on the topics of death, dying, palliative care and the intersection of healthcare with design.

His 2015 TED Talk: “Not Whether, But How”, has been viewed over 11 million times and his work has also been the subject of multiple interviews and podcasts, including Oprah Winfrey, PBS, The New York Times, The California Sunday Magazine, GOOP, Krista Tippett, Tim Ferriss and the TED Radio Hour. His book, A Beginner’s Guide to the End, was co-authored with Shoshana Berger and published in 2019.

Cost: Free

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