Mettle Health Discussions and Podcasts

Listen to interviews and podcasts featuring our Mettle Health team or check out our library of recordings on topics like caregiving, dealing with grief, intimacy during illness and all things communication.


Mettle Health Webinar Playlist

Meet the Mettle Health Counselors



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Enabled Disabled Podcast

BJ Miller and Gustavo Serafini

The Enabled Disabled Podcast is created for adults and children with disabilities, families and friends who care for them, professionals who treat and help people with disabilities, as well as people and companies who want to learn more.

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You’re Going to Die

BJ Miller and Ned Buskirk

The myth of independence, the myth of closure at the end of life & how our individual stories help us make meaning out of the hardest parts of being mortal.

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How To Make Love

BJ Miller and Laura Brewer

A transformative conversation about grief. What it is, how it feels, the different shapes it takes, how to work with it, learn from it, and deepen our experience of life and love as a result.

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The Truth Junkie

BJ Miller and Kevin Bates

BJ and Kevin discus ways to think about death to lessen our fear of it, how technology makes death less intuitive these days, parts of BJ’s own death plan, and much more.

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A Life of Greatness

BJ Miller and Sarah Grynberg

Sarah Grynberg and BJ explore the countless learnings from his patients, the darkness of suffering, and the last regrets of those facing their final days

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Geri Pal

BJ Miller with Alex Smith and Eric Widera

Most of us know we are going to die. How often though do we actually let ourselves really internalize that understanding? To imagine it? To feel it? To try to accept it?

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Skip the Repeat

BJ Miller and Kai Talim

BJ Miller attended Princeton with the mindset of learning for learning’s sake, without a specific career in mind. That mindset has served him well through his numerous pivots, including the accident during his sophomore year, when he became a trilateral amputee

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The Aux

BJ Miller and Zach Grossfield

The Aux brings you a daily dose of uncensored wisdom. No bullsh*t, no topic off-limits. Go ahead, plug in.

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Kelly Corrigan Wonders

BJ Miller and Kelly Corrigan

In the wake of losing her father and her friend, Kelly wonders what the end of life can teach us with BJ Miller, a triple amputee, bestselling author and palliative care doc.

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EngAGING Conversations: Nov 2020

BJ Miller and Sheryl Smith

Honest discussion about end of life planning and choices to help start conversations and change the way society doesn't talk about death. Our goal is to improve quality of life.

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Design Lab: Nov 2020

BJ Miller and Bon Ku

Bon asks BJ about the role of design in reimagining the dying experience, helping people navigate illness during the pandemic through his new company Mettle Health, and why majoring in Art History has made him a better physician.

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HotDoc: Nov 2020

BJ Miller and Michael McKay

Conversations with doctors who are progressing the field of medicine. We talk to cardiologists, pediatricians, surgeons, psychiatrists, dermatologists, and every specialty between.