
Mettle Health was co-founded by BJ Miller, MD and Sonya Dolan. Between them, they have decades of experience caring for patients and caregivers dealing with aging, serious illness and the end of life.

BJ and Sonya understand the positive effects that candid and loving conversations can have for patients and caregivers alike. They are passionate about palliative care and making it more readily available to the public.


BJ Miller, MD

BJ is an established thought leader in the area of serious illness, end-of-life issues and death. He has been a physician for 19 years and has counseled over 1,000 patients and family members. This vast experience has led him to understand what people really need when dealing with difficult health situations.

BJ has given over 100 talks, both nationally, and internationally, on themes of serious illness and dying, and has given over 100 media interviews, including podcasts, radio and print. His TED Talk, What Really Matters at the End of Life has been viewed over 11 million times. He also co-authored the book, A Beginner’s Guide to the End: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death, which was published in 2019.



Sonya Dolan

Sonya came to work in the field of hospice and palliative care after the death of her mother. This loss and the experience of being a caregiver greatly influenced her career trajectory and she left the world of event management for hospice administration. Her experience at a non-profit hospice included working with teams of clinicians, patients, family members and outside vendors to provide care and services for hundreds of patients on a daily basis.

Her work with hospice, coupled with caregiving for her mother and being a breast cancer survivor has given her a keen awareness of what the healthcare system provides and where it is lacking.