Is Mettle Health Right for You?
Answer the following questions to determine whether Mettle Health might be a good fit for you, or someone close to you. Our care is appropriate anywhere along the course of illness, disability or aging, and is for both the person dealing with the illness or disability, as well as the people in their care circle.

Are you dealing with a chronic or serious illness such as:
Congestive heart failure
Lung disease or COPD
Liver failure
Kidney failure
Alzheimer’s or dementia
ALS: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
MS: Multiple sclerosis
2. Do you have any symptoms that make it difficult for you to do the things you would like to do or that impact your quality of life? Examples include:
Shortness of breath
Fatigue and exhaustion
Lack of appetite
Brain fog
Nerve issues
3. Have you, or someone you are close to, experienced any of the following?
New or ongoing negative side effects from treatment
Frequent hospital or ER visits
Worsening symptoms (see list above)
Frequent falls
A change in health: newly incontinent, etc.
Receiving a new diagnosis or a change in stage of an existing diagnosis
4. Do you, or someone you are close with, need help with:
Expectation setting around illness or treatment
Knowing what resources are available
Navigating the healthcare system
Making medical decisions for treatment , includes choosing no treatment
Understanding terms in an Advance Care Directive and how to complete one
Managing care for another person
Talking with your doctors about your illness and what is most important to you
5. Do you, or someone close to you, need help with:
Coping with stress of serious illness, aging or disability
Emotional support
Spiritual or religious support
Talking with your family about medical decisions or illness and what is most important to you
Practical considerations for working while caregiving for another person
Working while dealing with illness