For Patients

Healthcare was designed around diseases and illness, not the person living with the disease or illness. You may not even resonate with the word healthcare has created: “patient”, because you’re you.

When you receive a diagnosis, it can quickly feel like your whole life revolves around it. Our goal is to get to a place where you feel in control of your situation and understand the choices that are available to you so can make decisions that up your joy, quality of life and time spent doing the things you love.


“ I feel like a paper lantern —all the love and support I received from each of you illuminated me, lifted me up, and set me free.

Thank you for helping me become whole and loving me back to life.

-Patient Client

  • Meet with one of our counselors to learn more about what we do and how we can support you

  • 20-Min consult feel helpful? Select the counselor you’d like to meet with for a 1-hour consultation


Examples of Patient Discussion Topics

  • How to think about making medical decisions

  • Navigating a confusing healthcare system

  • Mixed emotions that come with living with illness

  • Re-framing and making sense of loss

  • Living the life you still have

  • Dealing with fear that comes with diagnosis

  • Talking to your family about your choices

  • Communicating with doctors in difficult situations