For Caregivers

We believe that all caregivers deserve access to guidance and support specific to their situation.

After all, many times it is the caregiver making big medical decisions, navigating family dynamics and helping the patient cope. The caregiver role is full of listening, errands, stress, coping, beauty and possibly crying jags.

Whether you’re a newly minted caregiver, or someone who has been taking care of another person for decades, we’re here to support you.


“My session was rich and enriching, healing and nurturing. The counselor was insightful, understanding, nonjudgmental, and kind. I don’t feel as negative or as alone as I did before.

-Caregiver Client

  • Meet with one of our counselors to learn more about what we do and how we can support you

  • 20-Min consultion feel helpful? Select the counselor you’d like to meet with for a 1-hour consultation


Examples of Caregiver Discussion Topics

  • The stress of making crucial decisions for another person

  • Communicating with the larger care circle

  • Navigating anticipatory grief

  • What to do when you and the patient don’t agree on a care plan

  • How to get information you need from doctors so you can make the best choices

  • Understanding specific diseases

  • Expectation management for treatments and surgeries

  • Decoding medical jargon