Join Tom Grothe for a discussion on uncertainty. A new and difficult diagnosis throws us into uncertainty. All your assumptions about your life and your future are thrown into disarray. Yesterday you knew what next year was going to be like; now even forecasting tomorrow can be difficult. Of all the many things that a serious diagnosis takes from you, some believe that this loss of the assumptive world is one of the hardest.
This webinar will explore possible meaningful ways to live in uncertainty. We will explore uncertainties relationship to hopefulness and finding courage. It’s likely we will present some science behind uncertainty, as well at what philosophy and religion says about uncertainty.
All online discussions begins with a basic overview before opening up to the group for Q&A and conversation. This session should feel as supportive as it does educational, so bring your questions and comments, or feel free to just listen. Together, we’ll explore real life examples and address your questions.
Discussions are held online and once registered, you will receive a link via email to join on video or by phone.