What to consider when anticipating a pet’s death, or even your own

We had such a robust discussion on taking care of your aging or sick pets with Mary Gardner from Lap of Love that we went over the usual hour!

It’s very clear to us that all of you out there love your animals just as much as we do; it was palpable and our hearts go out to everyone who shared about losing a beloved pet recently. Mary provided her wonderful expertise on topics like making sure you have a plan for your pet should you pass away, understanding euthanasia, as well as looking for signs of illness and aging early on before it’s a crisis and helpful books to check out.

Should you or someone you know be experiencing the illness or end of life of a pet, we highly suggest checking out the recording, it may come in very handy.

Cheers to all your pets! Be they furry, winged, scaled or aquatic (and all the variations we’re forgetting)

Check out the recording through the link in our bio👆or by heading here: https://youtu.be/8raUhVkRpLQ


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