Being a gud side-kick

Muffin Man here, with sum notes on how to bee a gud side-kick and just a gud friend in generalz. Hoomans are inturesting creatures, it seems like they spend a lot of time wurrying about whut’s going on in thur lifes, whut they said, or maybe whut they did, or sumthing that sumone else said or did, (and definitely not enuff time sleeping), and this means yur hooman friends may need some check-ins from yew, thur side-kick to let them no yew r thinking about them.

Yew don’t needz a reason, just a call or a text to say: hi hooman friend, i luv yew, how iz yer life going? In my case, i just getz on thur laps, but i think that might be weird for sum hoomans(?) Best part, yew feel gud for being a gud side-kick and they feel gud cause they knowz they are luved.


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