Did you know….
…that you can set up an informational hospice visit before you actually sign onto hospice care?
It’s true! We understand that signing onto hospice can feel scary (because there are a lot of implications behind that sign-up), and this is one way to mitigate that scariness. You can call your local hospice and ask them to send out an admissions staff person for an “informational visit”. This entails exactly what it sounds like: you get information on the hospice agency and get to ask questions about how you can expect them to help during this period, both for the person who is ill and the family or caregivers.
It also has a second benefit: once completed, you’re already in their system which makes for a much easier transition should the moment come when you are ready to sign on for hospice care.
Have other questions about hospice care? Or want to share your experiences? (good or bad!) We’re all ears👂