What are your comfort preferences?
Pretty sure we’ve touched on this before, but it bears repeating and there is nothing wrong with revisiting the same question over time 'cause our personal preferences change!
While we always advocate for filling out an advance directive, the standard form will only ask you about your preferences around medical procedures (do you want to be DNR? Do you want artificial tube feeding? Who will make your medical decisions for you if you can’t make them yourself?) and not about who you are as a person. There’s a whole world of information that can’t be captured on a state sanctioned form and so we also advocate for you making a list of things that bring you comfort in your life now, so that they can hopefully be applied later.
Do you need a noise machine when you sleep?
Do you break-out when you use certain types of soap?
Do you sleep with 20 pillows? (or on the flip side, do you sleep with zero pillows?)
Do you abhor the smell of broccoli?
Do you love ice cream, but only after it’s melted quite a bit?
Do you love watching The Sopranos?
All of these preferences PLUS your medical preferences make up a larger plan for taking care of all of you after you can’t care for yourself. So make your personal comfort preferences known! It will only help those around you feel like they are caring for you in a way that is aligned with your goals, alleviating stress and worry for the caregivers and hopefully a more enjoyable experience for you.
Let us know what your comfort preferences are! The weirder/more unique, the better :)
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