Vulnerability is a strength

We speak from experience, it is HARD to be vulnerable. To open yourself up to potential judgement, to show your fears and weaknesses to another person, or even just accept them in yourself is not an easy task and we suggest trying it out in baby steps: a moment of vulnerability here, and then turtle back into your safe shell if it feels scary.

Even though it’s hard, vulnerability can also be the point where relationships deepen, where you learn so much more about a person and feel the honor of knowing them better.

That’s why we at Mettle Health believe that cultivating vulnerability is a strength, because it allows humans to build stronger connections that weren’t there previously.

Has there been a moment where you either opened yourself up to someone else or they did to you? How did it feel?


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Learn more about our services and see how Mettle Health can help you, or someone you’re caring for, by booking a short 20-minute complimentary consultation to discuss your situation with one of our counselors and find the best fit for future appointment types. You can join solo, or bring others in the care circle.


Relationships between animals and humans is an important one!


Grief becomes part of us