Make more effort to connect with the now

I find as I grow older (in dog years) that I need to make more effort to connect with the now, this moment. When I was a puppy it was all doing, leaping, running, jumping, barking, catching, and now, with my bones a little creakier, I spend more time dreaming, sleeping and thinking. Without so much doing, it can feel hard to feel like I’m living each moment as I used to. But I can still connect with my now, I can notice more around me than just creating my own excitement. The beauty of the present is captured so well in poetry, like this excerpt from Martha Waldron Blacker

Each day in the drama of life hath a part,

Bringing pleasure or grief to each beating heart,

And the tablet of time hath a record true

Of the deeds left undone and the deeds that we do.

Wishing you the space to find happiness and beauty in your now.


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Embrace the changes


There is NOTHING wrong with you for being sick, or dying