Feeling a bit hazy?
Not sure about everyone else, but coming back after a holiday weekend can make one feel a bit hazy, which leads to other fun emotions like ambivalence, frustration, and maybe even a little doubt.
So we would like to direct your attention to this lovely quote as a reminder that when you’re feeling a little bit blah, smiles really do help. And we mean that in both directions: it makes you, the smile-er feel better, and it makes the smile receiver feel better. We know we can’t all be spewing rainbows and smiles 24/7, this is more of a “when you need it” type tip for the hazy days when you need a pick-me-up, and who knows, maybe the person you smile at needs it too.
P.S. this may be a little bit harder with a mask in place, but you’ll know you’re smiling :)
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