Everyone needs a guide when it comes to navigating healthcare

This is one of the BIG reasons that everyone needs a guide when it comes to navigating healthcare. It used to be there was maybe one option when it came to treating your serious or chronic illness, but now, due to medical technology, there are MANY options one can choose all along the trajectory of an illness.

This means that the patient and caregiver have even more learning to do with every choice: what are the side effects? Is it experimental? What does it entail? Will it help me live longer? Will it help me live better? Will it cure me?

Each option brings with it a host of questions and necessary learning, meaning it’s easier to lose the thread of who you are as a person, or who you are taking care of, as you work to understand the treatments, and not necessarily the person who would be living with them. (P.S. this is TOTALLY normal, it’s hard to pull yourself out of that mode once you’re in it)

So that’s one of the reasons we started Mettle Health, to help people navigate healthcare and understand all the choices that come their way, while also keeping their humanity front and center.


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Learn more about our services and see how Mettle Health can help you, or someone you’re caring for, by booking a short 20-minute complimentary consultation to discuss your situation with one of our counselors and find the best fit for future appointment types. You can join solo, or bring others in the care circle.




What slower, warmer joys of fall and winter are you looking forward to leaning into?